All my published work:

writing craft_

From Twitter:

Perfect Practice Makes Perfect 🔗— Writing lessons from my baseball coach
DEVO & Deconstructing Covers 🔗 — On making the weirdest cover ever
Catch the fish or chase the whale? 🔗 — Feed yourself on epic hunts (re: writing)
Burn Down the Stage — How American Idol influenced social media
Mark Manson 🔗 — The subtle art of cursing
DFW: Consider the Lobster 🔗 — Opening an essay with stacked lists
Non-fiction writers should binge fiction — Read for style, not ideas
Brian Doyle 🔗 — Alternate between simple and complex sentences
David Sedaris 🔗 — 7 specific types of humor
Seinfeld 🔗 — Layered story arcs
Vonnegut, Vonnegut, Vonnegut! 🔗 — A visual deep dive on repetition
Frank Lloyd Wright: Beyond Architecture 🔗 — Writing lessons from an architect
Hunter S. Thompson 🔗 — Reconstructing his famous list sentence from FLLV
Untangling the Myth of Kerouac 🔗 — A lesson on the distortions of fame

internet culture_

emerging technology_

personal essays_

by year_


Lucy in the Sky of Large Language Models — Infinite music breeds Beatle-heads
Prepping for the Editor G*ds — 3 things to do for the weird future of AI writing
The First Online Writer — Lessons from Justin Hall on oversharing
logloglog #6 — A 17 unit-tour, Zillow in VR, the future of the Internet
logloglog #5 — The first online writer / 6 lessons from 21 months of logging
logloglog #4 — Margin Muse, One Thing per day, Baby Logs
logloglog #3 — Waterfalls, Synesthesia, Union Square Travel Agency
logloglog #2 — More TikTok, GPT-Philosophy, Fuzzy Maps, Cyclical History
logloglog #1 — Oppenheimer, TikTok, Baseball
Burn Down the Stage — How American Idol influenced social media
The Mucha Method — Lessons from a Slavic painter on commerce vs. art
Teleportation, $97/month, Coming Soon — The use case of Apple’s Vision Pro
Greenwood Lake — Auto-fiction from a weekend upstate
Dharma Vision — The side effects of recording your memories though Ray Bans
Saturation — How to reinforce themes throughout your essay
Resurrections On-Demand — LSD in Ancient Greece, the roots of Christian ritual
Flash Feedback — How to get feedback like a comedian
Margin Matchmaker — Use AI to automate your research, not your prose
Deconstructed — What goes into making an essay?
The 1,000 Day Molt — Why you should make decisions like an insect
Substack or Bust — Why I moved my personal website onto Substack


Four Stages of Competence 🔗 — From conscious to unconscious incompetence
How to can writers practice without writing essays? 🔗 — A list of methods to try
Typewriter Essays — 3 short essays written on a 1956 typewriter
Joan Didion White Album 🔗 — Deconstructing her first page
How Can Writers Protect Themselves from AI 🔗 — POP writing as the antidote
On titling your paragraphs 🔗 — The first step in reverse outlining
Outline after you write 🔗 — A tweet about reverse outlining
Writing materializes the thought loops in your head 🔗 — Just a tweet
What’s In a Kerouac Sentence? — Analyzing prose-poetry
Is Mini Golf Better in VR? — What is VR’s killer app?
The Beatles Guide to Writing 🔗 — Songwriting lessons applied to writers
Wallacisms: The Art of Memorable Observations — Patterns from DFW
DFW Thread 🔗 — Thread on different kinds of observations
Newsletter Junkyard — A plea to be unpredictable in your newsletter
Feedback Gym Lessons 🔗 — Lessons from Write of Passage Cohort 8
Jaywalking — Attempted to write everything I saw in a NYC walk
Diehard Audiences — Coldplay vs. Radiohead
Introducing logloglog — Lessons learned from writing down all my thoughts
David Whyte imitation 🔗 — A (meh) attempt after reading Consolations
HTS Imitation analysis 🔗 — What went into the Hunter S. Thompson impression
Hunter S. Thompson Impression — Thought on New Years resolutions
30 Imitations in 30 Days 🔗 — My failed Ship30 experiment


Wilbur Doyle and the Walking Distance Mysteries — Auto-fiction re: my neighbor
Writing as Life Extension — On using AI to recreate you through your prose
The MARS House — NFT gimmicks that claim to be “virtual real estate”
Run-Ons & Spotlights — Analyzing epic Virginia Woolf sentences
The Center of Mount Shasta — Understanding the value of writing fiction
Late for the Airport — The beginning of an aborted novel
Building a Second Brain 🔗 — A visual overview of Tiago Forte’s course in Miro
Beeple’s Mosaic — What happens if you make something everyday for 13 years?
The Raccoon Coders of Neos — True stories from an underground VR society
The Replication Machine — Comparing NFTs to the KaZaa and Limewire
Hunter’s Breakfast Myth — Analyzing the patterns of HTS
Sleeping on MS-Dos — The next great XR innovations will be in software and UI
The Gaga NFT Dress — NFTs will gain value when the “spatial internet” scales
Surreal News in January 2021 — Just a joke post to render the weird times
Architect of the Metaverse — Connecting my architectural past to the future
Write for Your Grandkids — Consider the long-game when writing
COVID is a Psychedelic — Some unfinished musings on the Strauss-Howe theory


Las Vegas & the Metaverse — Social XR captures the chaos of Vegas
Crashing Facebook Connect — True story of going into a VR live stream
AI Art 🔗 — My early attempts with generative AI
Hierarchies vs. Networks 🔗 — Notion vs. Roam
Intro Structures 🔗 — On oscillating between confusion and epiphany
Fish vs. Whale 🔗 — My one-sheet from Write of Passage cohort 5
Crossfit for Writing Visualized 🔗 — A diagram of the workshop format
Atomic Paragraphs 🔗 — 100-word arcs of tension
Studio Culture — The similarities between architecture school & Write of Passage
Why I signed up for Write of Passage 🔗 — First ever Twitter thread