I'm happy to see you so excited for the molt and what's to come! While i would love to get a physical book of essays one day, i agree that the wiki format will make much more sense as a companion for the app. I'm looking forward to testing out the beta soon :)

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I still want the physical book too! I think it's just a matter of sequence (that comes at the end of the process, not the beginning). I'll keep you posted on the beta.

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...fire dean...fire...always appreciate your ability to grow push and grow...now don't let good words like sundries die for math...the world needs more adjectives for dirty undies, not less...

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You’re thinking of “sindries” mate 🤣

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As brilliant as this is—methinks it's only the beginning. I can see the trajectory of your innovation and the future of writing is going to be inimitably deanified by the way your mind works and your discipline produces results. Keep on my friend. You offer something truly unique to the creator world.

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This is very exciting Michael—and feels foundational and revolutionary. Reading your post and the footnotes I felt like what Keats describes in the second half of his brief, great poem “On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer” https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/44481/on-first-looking-into-chapmans-homer

Go for it!

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Thanks for encouraging & supporting this project, Chris (and wow, what a poem).

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This is an incredibly exciting update! Love the idea of the app and book merging into one. The wiki concept reminds me of the Digital Garden: https://maggieappleton.com/garden-history/

All the best for the Year of the Wiki! Excited to see how it all evolves, and hope we get to jam on it sometime soon!

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Thanks for sharing this Saalik! Will give it a read soon. I think a digital garden is a good metaphor, and now I'm wondering what the difference is between that and a Wiki (I'd say it includes a specialized focus & multiple contributors).

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I think they seem to be quite symbiotic. Seems to me that a digital garden is less easily navigable (on purpose) to allow for meandering via clicking links -- where a wiki has more a bit more responsibility to help readers find something they might be specifically looking for

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Hahaha nobody cared about your difference between goals and resolution. I do, Michael. I do.

Also loved the footnote about sundries and rare words. Sundries is rare but at least it's easy to say, and it's only two syllables.

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Feels like sundries has the potential to be a totally-not rare-word.

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This project sounds amazing. Thanks for all your hard work on it.

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Great stuff, I enjoyed the footnotes as an equal to the piece itself. Very graph like

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Good point! Footnotes are a way to balance linear/non-linear within an essay.

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