
Consider this comment a pre-order!

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I loved this, man. Bursting with energy. I enjoy being reminded of everything I half-learned about writing and want to re-examine.

Writing is one of the only things that makes me delight in the endless sisyphusian push for more better more.

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I hope you’re not teasing because this textbook sounds like a dream come true.

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What an intro! I’m so excited for this. And great job telling the story of Professor Tootzi. I could see him at his drafting table and could hear his insults.

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Great ideas. I agree with your perspective on the constraints of traditional writing tenets. This was thoroughly enjoyable and thought provoking, well done!

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Loved this essay! Although my favorite part might have been the symbols you chose for the chart. Such clever little drawings for each concept.

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Love this. Would you be okay with me crossposting it to my publication The Author Stack in January? I think to 20k+ readers we have would love it.

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I wonder if Professor Tootsi could ever imagine the domino represented by this post when he tapped that first domino all those years ago, setting off a long chain reaction that concatenated across the years and has produced the thinking you describe in your post? Would he be baffled and quietly set down his knife as he contemplated where this domino has come to rest, in the completely different domain you've grown to love, and which now fascinates you?

I look forward to the unfolding of your map, which I'm sure--along with so much else--encompasses the essays of Montaigne and Orwell, along with many gems I've never read--and demonstrates their deep patterns.

Good luck on this intrepid and exhilarating journey Michael! It feels like a special type of journey, perhaps more like an expedition to climb, not a mountain, but a mountain range!

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Loved the article! It really brought out the part of me that wants to stick to writing. I have felt many times where I’m writing just for the sake of consistency. Though now I want to dive deeper to understand the “flow”. Funny enough if it relates to my progress in Jiu Jitsu. How do I let the moves and principles turn into second nature? Put some time in your cal for Dec, looking forward to chatting!

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Here it is. The reveal of your own personal position, orientation, and visual intertia.

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Loved this Michael. You may find value in checking out StoryGrid, which takes an analytical approach understanding the architecture of good fiction. You seem to want to do something similar for essays, which would be great. I’m excited to see where this goes.

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Awesome, Michael, as always.

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Thank you for writing this Dean. I’m excited to keep reading your essays! This one makes me think about the progression in craft: you start off with bad, unconscious instincts, then you learn to be more consciously intentional, and finally you learn to forget the conscious part of it, with better instincts in place.

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I lived with architecture students in college. I was a chemist with splinters 😅

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Michael - Awesome Essay.

“You write the first draft for yourself, but you write the second draft for a stranger.”

If you haven’t gotten enough “signal” from this essay already, I just want to say - buying that book would be a no brainer for me. Write it (please).

Would love to connect soon and chat about the craft :)

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